Twitter (as used by business owners at least) tends to be relentlessly positive. Every day is brilliant, every event is exciting, every meeting is wonderful. You can understand that nobody wants to be negative about their business in a public forum, but by and large so much of it is similar that we all end up ignoring it.
Actually meeting people face-to-face at events can be much more interesting. All the time we'll bump into enthusiastic tweeters we know at real-life business events, and although their Twitter feed might be "Brilliant! Exciting! Wonderful!", the reality is of course much more nuanced. Sometimes it's "Brilliant!", but sometimes it's "Awful" and mostly it's somewhere in between.
Last week we had a really interesting and illuminating chat with a local business at a networking event about the area of their business that isn't really working well at the moment. We've a really high opinion of the business, and talking about the negatives didn't prejudice our view of them - it led to a really thoughtful discussion about their industry, the differences between local towns, different ways one could look at a problem and so on. It was very thought-provoking (for us, anyway, and for them too I hope!), and certainly the conversation that was uppermost in our thoughts as we left the event. Maybe our side of the conversation was helpful to them on this occasion and maybe it wasn't, but I know from my own experience that simply the process of thinking about an issue enough to explain it simply to an outsider can be be really helpful. Even if they've no useful input, expressing the problem coherently can be enough to spark some ideas of your own.
Of course, it's probably not a brilliant idea to focus on the negatives in your business on Twitter - 140 characters might make you look more bitter than thoughtful, apart from anything else. But it might benefit many of us if we were to talk a bit more about the aspects of our businesses that could be better, not just the parts that we think are already brilliant.