The cloud provider that we interact with most often generally provide very very quick responses to support emails. They seem very proud of that, which is completely understandable and reasonable on the face of it. However, in almost all cases in our experience they haven't read the question properly and give you an irrelevant answer. Example for accountants: Q: "The VAT Control Account is set as an equity account. How do we change that?" A: "Yes, that's right, VAT is an equity account" (it isn't). You then get an automated email saying your case has been closed, and asking for feedback on how well the person did from 1 to 10. You obviously click "1", then you get contacted again and they generally actually engage with the problem properly. It's maddening, especially since it's so predictable. The problem isn't with the questions; we write carefully and, I'm pretty sure, unambiguously.
This is annoying for us but actually misleading for customers who aren't accountants. If the person asking for support isn't an accountant (or isn't a very good accountant!), they're quite likely to happily accept the wrong answer as being accurate, and will think the support is brilliant because it's quick. So, well done for giving the impression of giving brilliant support. But you haven't. It's rubbish support, delivered quickly.
I have no real hope that other providers are any better, sadly!