At present, if you owe some tax and are paid via PAYE, HMRC will often let you off paying the tax in a lump sum, and instead collect it via PAYE. At present, the maximum debt that can be collected in that way is £3,000 - in other words, £250 extra being deducted from your salary each month for a year.
From April, that ceiling is increasing markedly. The £3,000 limit will remain if a person is paid £30,000 or less. Above that salary, it goes up on a graded scale, and by the time someone is earning £90,000 or more, £17,000 of tax debt can be collected via PAYE - so, £1,417 extra being deducted from your salary each month.
This is going to result in some pretty odd coding notices for payroll departments to operate, and some employees being a bit surprised when their net pay suddenly plummets in April. Of course, they ought to be pleased, because in the old days they'd have had to pay the whole debt in a lump sum, but many people aren't going to see it that way, no doubt!
For what it's worth, where a taxpayer has the funds to just pay their tax bill, we almost always advocate doing it that way, rather than having it deducted via PAYE later. Most people just find it confusing to have tax deducted via PAYE miles after the year it relates to. So if you're in that position, do consider just paying the bill and moving on.