Generally, when you talk to someone who runs a very profitable business, they assume that their profitability is normal and that most business owners are doing pretty well. When you suggest they're actually significantly more profitable than average, they're surprised ("Really? Why would those people work for so little? Why don't they just get a job?").
Generally, when you talk to someone who runs a fairly unprofitable businesses, they assume that's normal and that most businesses struggle ("It's tough out there. Small businesses find the early years hard, I've read about it"). When you suggest that actually loads of businesses do very well financially, sometimes right out of the blocks, they're often surprised (and sometimes aren't even really ready to engage with the idea).
Generally, when you talk to someone who runs a fairly unprofitable businesses, they assume that's normal and that most businesses struggle ("It's tough out there. Small businesses find the early years hard, I've read about it"). When you suggest that actually loads of businesses do very well financially, sometimes right out of the blocks, they're often surprised (and sometimes aren't even really ready to engage with the idea).
If you're running a business and doing well financially, you might want to just pat yourself on the back a bit - it's not necessarily as easy and normal as you think.
If you're running a business and only just getting by, you should maybe be more open to the possibility that that's not necessarily the way it has to be, or that the market is telling you that the business you're running isn't the right thing for you to be doing.