The advice for parents trying to avoid being drawn into the High Income Child Benefit Charge (HICBC) has been unchanged since 2013, as none of the thresholds ever changed. Since they have, at last, been increased, here’s an update on actions you might take to avoid or mitigate the charge.
If the higher earner in a household that has received Child Benefit has income of more than £60,000, they have to start giving the Child Benefit back to the government again, on a sliding scale, via their Self Assessment Tax Return. If they have income of more than £80,000, they have to give it all back.
If both parents earn £60,000, that's therefore fine - nothing to give back, even though total household income is £120,000. But if one earns £80,000 and the other zero (or a single parent has income of £80,000) then all of the Child Benefit has to be given back, despite household income being £40,000 lower!
If you've two children, HICBC could mean giving back £2,200 of Child Benefit to the government.
The most obvious way you could avoid or reduce the charge is with pension contributions. If your income is £70,000, then paying £10,000 into a pension reduces your income to £60,000 for these purposes, and you get to keep all the Child Benefit (as well as saving £4,000 of tax too - the way the tax reliefs work means that getting £10,000 into their pension ends up costing that person only £6,000). Of course, if you're struggling with household income to begin with, or earning way over £80,000, things may not be as easy as that and HICBC may be unavoidable. But if you can stand the short-term cashflow hit, for those around the fringes of the charge, pension contributions can become very compelling - and the more children you have, the greater the saving!