If you’re wondering whether it’s appropriate for your company to pay for something, think back to a time when you were employed by someone else.
If you’d made an expense claim for it, would they have repaid you without thinking twice? If so, in most cases it’s going to be fine for your own company to be paying it.
Or would they have told you where to go? In that case, it’s probably not fine for your own company to be paying for it!
Someone recently told us of someone they know who is always finding some conference or other in the vicinity of a place they want to go, on the grounds that attendance for a day will make their entire holiday legitimately payable by their company and tax-deductible. Of course it won’t! And the technique we’ve outlined here works perfectly. If you tried to claim that from a third party employer, not only would they not pay it, they’d probably take disciplinary action!
Maybe you had a mean employer before, who’d outrageously refuse perfectly legitimate expense claims. But if you had a normal, reasonable employer, something they’d not have paid for is generally unlikely to work as a cost for your own company.
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