Thanks to the incredibly generous tax rules that apply to them, the vast majority of new company cars now are electric. Most of them are probably charged at home. If you’re charging your electric company car at home, how much can you claim back from your employer to cover the cost?
HMRC’s guidance from the outset has been that you can claim back the cost of electricity relating to business miles but not private miles. You could do that by trying to figure out the actual cost, but most normal people are going to use the shortcut of HMRC’s approved rate; 5p a mile (a recent increase from 4p a mile). Using that kind of basis with an approved HMRC rate has always been the way it’s been done with traditional fuels.
However, a cat has recently been put amongst the pigeons. The ICAEW has pointed out that, per the legislation, electricity *isn’t* fuel, so treating it as such is wrong. It’s just one of the general costs of running the car. That being the case, it’s legitimate for the employer to pay for *all* the electricity that goes into the car, not just the business part (just as it can pay for all the servicing, all the insurance and so on). And at this moment, there seems to be general agreement that HMRC’s guidance on this is wrong.
There are a few things to say about this:
- We’re only talking about fairly modest amounts here! A driver who was going to claim back 5p a mile for her 2,000 business miles but not her 8,000 private ones can now be reimbursed £500 by her employer, not just £100. Nice, but not life-changing.
- Employers may not actually pay an employee the whole lot; in fact, they probably won’t on the whole. Just because an employer *could* reimburse an employee for the cost of her private motoring doesn’t mean they will. They’ll probably quite reasonably think that the employee can pay for their own life themselves. Who is going to be reimbursed? Company owners themselves, that’s who. They’ll definitely claim as much as they can tax-free!
- It’s possible HMRC might be bloody minded and try to cling on to their guidance! In any case, it’s pretty likely the government will legislate to close what’s perilously close to being a loophole - let’s be honest, electricity really is analogous to fuel in every way.
For now, though, the advice for directors with an electric company car is going to be - claim 5p a mile for all mileage from your company until HMRC slam the door again!